Greetings, fellow horse folks. Well, if you haven't heard about the drama surrounding trainer Juslain LuMaye, you might be living under a rock.
Here's a quick summary of the situation:
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Juslain LuMaye |
As the days went by, Juslain lied about the disease they had (strangles) saying the sick horses just had colds. She refused to call a vet out for any of the horses, refused to pay anything towards their care, and refused to help with the daily care of ANY of the horses, despite the fact that Kelly had previously informed her of an upcoming surgery that would leave her unable to do barn chores. Kelly's family provided care for the sick horses.
One young colt named Chrome died at Kelly's farm on January 25th. Juslaine never even arranged for the carcass to be hauled away, abandoning the corpse in Kelly's pasture. Chrome had been a very healthy horse before being sold to Juslaine. Here are pictures of him with his previous owner, then of his dead body after Justlaine had owned him for a few months.
The cops and vets got involved. Kelly Radtke's entire farm had to be quarantined due to the outbreak of strangles. Kelly's personal horses had to be carefully isolated to keep them from being infected, making barn chores even harder. Juslain was banned from the property.
Four of the horses were picked up from Kelly's farm by their owners. Juslain, who had advertised herself as a professional trainer, had never informed her clients that she had moved their horses, or that they were exposed to strangles. One of the horses, a mare, eventually died of strangles. Had Juslain arranged for the mare to be treated, she may have lived.
The last six horses, which belonged to Juslain herself, stayed at Kelly's for several weeks. Several developed "bastard" strangles.
Kelly did tell Juslain that she would consider Juslain's debts paid if she'd give up ownership of the sick horses. Kelly wanted nothing more than to make sure those animals stayed safe. At that point, the vet bills cost far more than the horses would ever be worth. Juslain refused. Juslain also never paid her anything for board, feed, or vet bills. Eventually, Juslain's solution was to send a meat buyer to pick up the sick horses.
We know this note is authentic, because a police officer came to mediate when Juslain's meat buyer, ROBERT SKORCZEWSKI, showed up. The officer verified the note and made copies for all parties involved. Kelly then told R.S. the meat buyer to get lost, and he did. Since Kelly had not yet been paid for all the expenses involved in this case, and since there were quarantine concerns about the strangles, Juslain couldn't sell the horses out of Kelly's hands. Next, guess who popped up on Facebook, defending Juslain? The wife of the meat buyer, and a friend of Juslain's, Amanda Skorczewski-Klapczynski.
Yes, that's right. Juslain WANTED her horses to go to slaughter, rather than surrender them or pay for their vet bills. I am still stunned that anyone could do that.
Many other people were SHOCKED that a "professional" horse trainer would rather see her horses killed than pay her debts to her friend and get them back.
Many people were also shocked that a "professional" horse trainer would buy, sell, and train horses without requiring vet records, or ever vaccinating any of them for strangles herself.
We all hoped Juslain would learn from her mistakes. That was not the case.
Juslain's mommy showed up, and paid all of the debts that Kelly could prove she was owned. Juslain had someone come pick up the horses. Juslain still owns, breeds and trains horses, advertising her services on the internet under a variety of names, including:
J L Versatile Performance Horses
Double J Performance Horses
God help those horses that wind up in her care.
I can't help but despair at the fact that the suffering of so many in this case could have been prevented if Juslain LuMaye had simply vaccinated her horses against strangles. The vaccine is cheap and can even be ordered on the internet. I wonder what other basic care she neglects to give her animals...
I have a great deal of sympathy for the horses in this case. Clearly, Juslaine LuMaye is a scumbitch whose irresponsibility is only outmatched by her lack of empathy. She has treated these horses like shit, and the friend who tried to help her like shit. BUT...
...what about the owners of these horses sent to be trained by LuMaye? What about Chrome's previous owner? Don't they have some responsibility here? I say YES. Ten minutes of easy searching reveals the following about Juslaine LuMaye:
- Her website is full of spelling and grammar mistakes.
- Her board-and-training rates are suspiciously CHEAP.
- This video on her own website shows her riding a small, undeveloped two year old...and she's not exactly a lightweight. Also, check out her riding. (Yuck.)
- She has a long criminal record that involves lots of bad checks, theft, lots of revoked license charges, eviction, bail jumping, "Livestock running at large" (loose horses left to roam), and unpaid debts. (EDIT: You can look at the criminal record of anyone in WI for free by going to Wisconsin Circuit Court Access and searching for their name.)
Especially with one of your horses?!
Juslaine LuMaye is certainly a scumbitch...but some measure of the blame in this case must be placed on the shoulders of those who put their horses in her hands. The moral of this story is that you must do some basic research about the horse professionals you're going to hire, no matter how nice they seem, no matter how well they represent themselves.
I wanted to learn to show horses, I bought a great horse and I also just bought a yearling that was going to be purchased by a kill buyer. Shows are so far away and I don't know how to even start to learn. I bought my first horse a few years ago after wanting one my whole life. I'm now 50 and want to get learning to show. Where do you go? If we want people to get interested they need help and support. :)
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
DeleteIt is a great thing that you are getting involved and also looking to rescue those horses who need help. I, obviously, do not know where you are located, but if you are interested in showing use this tool--the Internet. If you have Facebook or even by using Google, you should be able to find trainers or even 4-H clubs in your area that can direct you to the answers you seek. Be prepared for the extra costs, however, training and lessons do not come cheap in many circumstances. Good luck!
I would totally be willing to help you our depending on the discipline you plan on riding,
DeleteYes, it's VERY hard to break into the horse show world. You know what? I'm going to do a blog post dedicated to you and others like you! It should be done in a few days :) Help and support is on the way!
DeleteLook at the Wisconsin Western Dressage Club. We try to make clinics, events, and one day trainings as affordable as possible. National clinicians however are not cheap to bring in. Our other local events are very affordable to the horse riding public. We offer clinics on getting started, developing partnerships with the horse, fun weekends, AND certified instructors that have to pass standards to ge listed on our website. We promote partnership with horses while honoring their natural movements. All breeds and all levels are welcome. Couldn't figure out how to post other than anonymous, sorry, Sallie Scovill, WWDC Secretary.
DeleteDear North Horse:
ReplyDeleteI understand and agree with your statement that "People Don't Care." I get that, truly. I would like to offer my 2 cents as well. I also think that the prices for EVERYTHING "horse" related have increased..(as well as everything "people" related like gas and groceries!)......tack, housing, training, vehicles, trailers, FEED! Everything costs more. Land/taxes/insurance, all that included as well. A person who first does their research about owning a horse soon realizes all these costs. But, this puts a negative tone to even owning a horse. And, as a past horse owner myself, I feel that someone doing this research is a GREAT thing of course. Less people buying means that there will be less breeding, less horses going to rescues, etc.
In addition, people need to work, most often a full-time job and possibly another job on top of that to just make ends meet and live the way they want to live. They just don't have TIME to own a horse.
Those lucky enough to own a few horses (just average horse lovers/owners who are not making a living on successfully with training and showing) think that by having their mares bred inexpensively to an unproven stallion and also thinking that these new foals will be able to be sold for a profit so that they can afford new tack, or FEED for their other horses, just make matters worse and sours the market even more.
I don't foresee any bright answer to this. The lack of people becoming involved in horse activities also shadows the major reduction in family farms that have occurred in the last 20 years. So while I very much agree with the "people don't care" mentality, I believe there is MUCH more behind the state of the horse industry than that. The reality is that things are just not that simple.
You're right Jennifer, my statement about people just not caring was too cynical, and lack of money and the death of family farming are very big parts of the picture as well. I hope that the whole horse community can do more to make equine events accessible to more families.
DeleteI am sorry to hear about Juslaine. I knew her growing up and she was very much into her horses and did good with them. I wonder what went wrong in her life to allow this all to happen. I hope the horses get the help they need. so sad the animals have to suffer for the error of humans.
ReplyDeleteThis subject of the horse industry going down the tubes is near and dear to my heart. 26 years ago I bought 3 Arabians knowing nothing. If we had not bought from a reputable breeder who "saw us coming" and helped us get thru the rough spots, I would not have horses today because frankly, other horse people were not helpful AT all. It was NOT a beginner friendly industry.
ReplyDeleteI have spent the past 25 years trying to change that in my own little way and am making some headway in my own tiny area. I am involved in the local 4H as a leader. I lease horses to non horse families and teach kids how to ride and care for a horse. I know I am doing something in demand as I now have competition doing the same thing.
In the past 10 years we have been involved in 4H and making changes to the county 4H Horse project to make it more beginner friendly and accepting of different horse breeds, disciplines and ideas. We took the local horse show and made it into a YOUTH oriented more fun show that involved even some fun games and an obstacle course as most of the local youth didn't even go to their own local show!. It was a lot of work and I have since backed out to encourage others to take over and continue to make improvements thru NEW ideas.
There is a 4H project called "Horseless Horse" that is meant for kids without access to horses. It can be run in schools and cities and be a monthly activity to teach 8-15 year olds about horse ownership. Anyone can do it -- If you like kids, this is a fantastic way to teach them about your passion.
I have found that parents hear their young girls whine about wanting to have a pony/horse but have no idea how to go about fulfilling that. Most parents want to allow their kids lessons or something a few times a week to get exposure without a huge $ or time committment. It works to offer a program that fits these needs. They want to drop the kids off and pick them up a couple hours later 2 or 3 times a week. That way they can see if they are really committed and to continue or to just drop it. I've had about 35 kids go thru my program this way and it's a win-win situation for all. My old horses get ridden and handled, the kids have fun and the parents are happy plus I get back some of my horse expenses. Some go on to own or lease and others quit. If anyone is interested in talking to me about this, email me at I am always happy to talk about 4H or my horse program.
As far as the trainer is concerned and why people would use her, it is all a matter of economics and word of mouth is my guess. People want cheap & fast and if one person recommended her, that's all they know.
GREAT comment, thank you for sharing and for helping kids get into horses!
ReplyDeleteOoo, THANK YOU for the link to the Equine Scammers group! I love it when fellow horse people help each other avoid scumbags.
DeleteI was wondering if you have an update on the 2 horses you mentioned in the previous post that needed some "help". Were you able to get them out of their situation?
ReplyDeleteI don't think the horse industry is dying it's changing. With the internet people have access to good horses. A good horse is a matter of opinion, some people think a good horse is one that is a buckskin that doesn't eat much and won't break out of a trot. These people have tried there best to destroy the horse industry without even knowing it. Breeding for color, or for really no reason at all other than personal satisfaction. The cheapest part of owning a horse is buying it! If you want CHEAP, buy a goldfish. Don't get me wrong, I like money as much as the next guy, but you can't buy horses, feed em whatever's cheap and expect to maintain quality animals. One of the first things I look at when i buy a horse is their hay. I understand times are tough but, if you can't feed em n medicate em, sell em to some one who will. Yes, you may have to take a loss, get over it. And if you're a breeder, I hope to god it's your full time job and main source of income. Now about Juslain, I know this girl. She is obviously mentally ill. The fact is, she can ride/train better than most, this alone generates hatred. Society does not know how to deal with people like this. But I do, don't give her money! Now, did everybody learn their lesson? While reading through all the comments on Facebook I did not see one person say anything positive about how she helped them.........well, she helped me. I hope she gets the help she needs.
ReplyDeletein regards to juslain lumaye i think u ppl are just a bunch of hoots she only owned chrome for 20 days before they went to kellys so the condition of the horse is clearly on the previous owner not juslain for those of u who think u know things get your facts straight thank you
ReplyDeleteSeriously???? I know the prior owner and he was in PERFECT condition when he went to Juslain.... You should seriously get YOUR facts straight.... Prior owner has a text from Juslain from Jan 6, 9 days after Juslain got Chrome showing how fat, happy and in good shape he was...
Deletehorse owner for 45 years here (and have only owned 5 in that time) , grew up in foxhunting country on the east coast, around the track, lived through the arabian debacle of the 80's/90's here in Wisconsin, have boarded at same barn for a couple of decades, ..all the good "horsemen" are dead or retired. Its not about horses anymore, its about competition and bling and fancy pictures posted to your website. You only know what you are doing if you spend a lot and win something at some rinky dink show. The general public has no inherent interest anymore and its beyond the pocketbook of the average person. Everyone in it is a trainer and/or breeder. Regardless of discipline, break 'em at 2, tie their heads down and spur them, if they dont cooperate they are "crappy" and here, I have another one to sell you. Takes too much time to be a real trainer and figure the horse out, and if mommy and daddy have spent a lot of money, you better be a winner--now. And if you dont subscribe to every magazine and use every supplement that comes out, you dont know what you are doing. And dont get me started on rescues---got turned down a few years ago because the horses eat from round bales and get wet when it rains when they are out, and my 25 year old 16 hand arab who just competed in an endurance ride is not going to look like a fat quarter horse standing in a pasture doing nothing, no matter how many times you poke his gaskin....Ill stick to the old ways and be a nobody, and the horse world can become like it is in the rest of the world--they are beasts of burden tied to a post next to a road to graze on what little grass they can find, as I saw in Brazil, or are only for the very wealthy as in Europe. For those of us who still have the inherent interest, there will always be someone's mistake to take over, at least in my remaining lifetime, and thats enough for me.
ReplyDeleteTheres no justification for it as an avocation and passion in current general culture. Not what I like to see, but the way it is----do your research by talking to non horse owners, not your buddies at the barn. I got tired of explaining how I spend my hard earned dollars (is it really any better to drink it away at the bar or spend $500 on a purse??) and trying to explain staying on my high octane arabian rocket was not a "horsey ride" or "riding my pony"
Think it's funny you can't spell her name correctly or get the right info. Maybe you should read the vet report none were thin and the fact no one even called her or texted her anything about the horses till the colt died 6 days after it was in there care and the fact they wouldn't allow her on property to get the horses n only reason horses were there wasn't an eviction but to take care of kelly. Know your true details n stories b4 ranting your trashy mouth lol good luck in your life
ReplyDeleteAll of this is just sickening! Ik juslain personaly and she is a great person and unlike just about all of the ppl out there i will hold my own and beilive in who i trust and juslain is one of them! She is an AMAZING horse woman and i havent seen anyone care about there horses as much as her. 1. Bree king previously owned more than just chrome in that herd and just didnt care...2. Chrome had many health issues in the past so ppl saying he was so healthy was a lue to cover brees butt in a dirty trade...3. I personaly seen all of juslains horses every week and all were VERY well taken care of including hay, water, grain, and warm/clean blankets along with being in the barn on cold crapy nights or just cold days...4. I personaly had my hprse being taken care of by juslain and wont hesitate to take her by juslain again...5. Strangles is strangles they get it and get over it so what? Id be happy id never have to worry about it again and to end my comment even though i could go on and on...the ppl who were involved in making all of this drama on fb are petty liers and are justtying to make them selves look good and take ppls hard earned money for a "good" cause when really they just wanted easy money...and also who puts someone threw all this then askes juslain to forgive her and come and take care of her cause her daugters leaving? Juslain is a GOOD person and i will hold to that....and idc what anyone says or thinks...just remember all thos horses were cared for like they should have neglect on juslains end!
ReplyDeleteAnonymousJanuary 31, 2014 at 8:56 AM
Deletein regards to juslain lumaye i think u ppl are just a bunch of hoots she only owned chrome for 20 days before they went to kellys so the condition of the horse is clearly on the previous owner not juslain for those of u who think u know things get your facts straight thank you....
my previous post up above this bit im adding juslain is one of the only horse ppl you can trust these days she is honest in her work and does what she can for anybody i personally asked her to help me break out an older mare im getting and i wudnt ask any of u fake asses to help a horse in need all of u are greedy and money hungry crooked horse ppl leave the girl alone shes not mentally ill she has a genuine passion for the horses most of u just own a pricey horse to say oooh look at my pretty horse its better than yours because i paid 10000 dollars for it really she takes a good back yard horse and turns it into something amazing i have watched her evolve over the last couple years and yes i am going to do an apprentice ship with her and yes i will take any of my equines to her shes a amazing t person to go through all this harrassment and still do what she does i have been through some hard times my self and will stand by her with my middle finger up at the fake ass horse industry of 2014 thanks
Congratulations on your post there Anonymous. It is the most lengthy, ridiculous, obscene and rambling rant of the new year and it sounds very similar to Juslain's posts. Hmmmm. Juslain or a Juslain clone. Scary!!
Deleteimmaturity levels of some ppl are ridiculous why dont u guys realize that strangles happens to best of us.... its like the flu once one person in the house has it they all get ti happens yall are a bunch of crazy ass pll u only hear what u want not what needs to be heard u all have your opinions and us the ones who believe in her have ours leave it at that she has a good heart and a genuine passion the rest of u act as if uve never made a mistake how about u go after the real crooks like lets say the ppl who own a dump and call it a boarding stables or the ppl who put weighted shoes and battery acid in their hooves...... yalll r low for bringing her mare izzy into it thats a low blow you bitches need to grow up ill standy by what i said ealier like i said the horse industry looks bad 2014 and years too come you r fake and will never be worthy of the word trainer or horse owner how about horse jocky and horses ass is more like it leave her alone already i cant wait for u alll to be judged on judgement day when the lord gets your funky ass signed a previous ~anonymous~
ReplyDeleteHi Juslain! I see you still don't feel the least bit sorry for all the suffering you have caused. That's seriously messed up.
DeleteStrangles is NOT like the flu. It can be deadly-- just look at poor Chrome. And it can be avoided with a simple vaccination. Too bad you were too cheap to give basic care.
Juslain, get help.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was about the horses. Not about people. I have one question about that bill of sale. What if horses "buyers" don't take the horses to slaughter? I am just trying to understand.
ReplyDeleteThen the bill of sale is no longer valid, and Juslain can pursue legal avenues to reclaim the horses.
DeleteI don't know why this stuff happens...even good people can make mistakes or go bad. I don't know this woman so I won't attack her person but her actions or non actions are wrong, dangerous, and deadly.
ReplyDeleteI want people to know that there are great horse people out there, such as this family at Barth Barn and the couple I am planning to board my horse with. They took in a horse last week....Not one of those mentioned and not one from even in the direction of Shiocton....but because of this they are going to get my baby vaccinated at their cost. So please all those who talk badly about horse owners get your heads on to the fact that THERE ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE in the horse world!
Once again North Nag, you are putting words into other people's mouths. Now you are doing it to me - Karen Larson - any literate fool can see that I NEVER said that reports were to be shared with everybody - I simply stated that the horse caretakers should be keeping detailed records (what I mistakenly thought is that others would understand the purpose of keeping records - to help caretaker notice changes more quickly, to allow everybody involved in the care of the animals to stay on the same page and to keep owners abreast of the progress or lack of progress) - an unsaid advantage of keeping detailed records is to CYA (cover your ass) And yes, I do think Kelly should be doing this - not because we all need to know but for the reasons' mentioned above.
ReplyDeleteAnd FYI - if my horse was there - I'd be there every day - and I would be doing the cares and keeping record of cares done to my horse(s)
I can't help but wonder WHAT IF these horses were not forced to be moved in the first place and monetary help was offered for treatment, would we be sitting at this sad scenario? Instead this went like wildfire in the wrong direction. Now it is the battle of who is right and who is wrong and these horses will come to their doom. Laws are in place yes. But laws do not always protect. By pushing this as "pointing your fingers" it puts these horses in more danger and heading to slaughter faster. When money is an issue, and it ALWAYS is, the outcome becomes about money. The coggins are not needed for slaughter and slaughter does take ill animals all the time, the meat is just disposed of and not in any food chain. The more this is public, the greater chance of these horses headed down that road is real. Just help, don't judge. I pray for these horses.
ReplyDelete"Just help, don't judge."
DeleteJuslain failed to pay her rent at the barn she rented. Who helped that farmer?
She also infected his barn with strangles. Who is helping him sterilize everything?
Juslain failed to give a basic vaccination to the horses in her care. Who is helping her clients, whose horses are now suffering and may die?
Juslain dumped ten sick horses on her friend and never paid a dime to help with their care.
I do believe in helping people... but I do NOT believe in giving selfish, entitled, immoral people third and fourth and fifth chances. Doing so is one reason why this country is in such trouble: we keep giving handouts to people who feel entitled to them, but never want to be held accountable for their actions.
Well ponder this..... If she would have paid her rent/lease and practiced responsible handling of horses, then there would have been no reason for the horses to be moved. Was she not paid to deliver a professional service and she dropped the ball, and put not only her horses but the horses of her so called clients in grave danger. I can't help but think why? What kind of person does that? Certainly not a professional. This wildfire you speak of, seems JL lit the match, and one knows when you play with fire you get burned. There is no battle of right and wrong. The only battle is horses fighting for their lives because of JL's unprofessional decisions and blatant lack of morals and ethics. I beg to differ with the fact that these horses now DO have a chance for life because of a caring family that chose the horses needs, and put the horses health in the forefront. Instead of worrying about coggins needed or not ask yourself....What kind of person wants to send horses to slaughter because they just don't want someone else to have them? Have you pondered that? I am not against slaughter done, and for a legitimate reason. There is no reason what so ever for these horses to be sent to slaughter. It has become quite obvious that JL is motivated by selfishness, greed and just sheer evil. Also ponder this...Maybe had she sent them to slaughter instead of asking someone else to care for them in the first place, being they were her pride and joys (gag). Would we be sitting at this sad scenario? I can't help but think of what would have happened if, JL would have just been a decent moral person and conducted herself in the professional manner she so claimed she was. I have really pondered that!!! What a concept, right!!! These horses and others like them I believe have a better chance of a good life the longer this does stay in the public eye. If it deters even 1 moron from going down this same road then it is a win for the horses. If you don't confront it, you condone it.
DeleteI agree "I can't help but wonder." Handle the people involved in the proper court channels. Ask for horse help without further bashing. We get it.
DeleteI stumbled across your blog purely by accident. After reading it, I wanted to tell you how right on you were about the "cliquish" mentality. The horse world, while friendly, isn't welcoming. No one wants to "share secrets" of the trade. The problem is that this doesn't allow new blood in. My daughter wanted so badly to learn. But she's tiny, and easily intimidated. Unfortunately, this puts a lot of people off because, obviously, you must be in control of the horse, but without previous exposure, how is she to learn it's okay? I don't own horses. I've never owned a horse and I myself have very limited experience with horses, so when people like us come in for lessons, and the people who are taking our money to teach treat us like we're complete idiots and not worth their time.... it's sad really. Because even with all that I still have a now almost 10 year old little girl who would love to learn how to care for, and then ride a horse. She's not one of those little girls who you can slam in a saddle and will be appeased. She wants to know EVERYTHING..... anyway, I wanted to give you an outsiders view of our introduction to the local horse community.
ReplyDeleteSara G -- where are you located? Wisconsin? Try your local 4H. Keep searching for a better instructor. I would LOVE to have your daughter in my program.. read above comment by myself January 29th. There are good horse people out there wanting to share information. We are hard to find, I agree. Just do not give money to instructors who treat you badly as it only encourages them. - email me.
DeleteHi Sara G, I'm so sorry you've been having a hard time in the horse world. It IS sad that we don't do a better job to welcome newcomers-- but I promise to help fix that. I'm going to do a blog just for people like you. I want you to know that you ARE wanted, and absolutely needed here! The horse world needs new members to survive and thrive. Hopefully I can help connect you to some really great people... and it looks like it's happening already :)
DeleteSara G,
DeleteI understand your plight... I remember when I was a young girl, maybe 10 or 12, and I wanted to ride and show so badly. I had a horse, but he was nothing fancy. I joined 4H and it was ... unfortunately terrible. Other kids ripped on my horse, and other moms ripped on my mom! (Now some 4H clubs in WI are great. I was at St Croix County and it was terrible... so be careful not to choose a club full of cliquey asshats)
I want to tell you that there is hope! What I learned back then (from my mother, who was very determined) is that you can turn the negativity of others into a positive fuel for working harder to become the best! After being involved and showing in 4H for a few years, I was a recluse from the others due to the cliques. I became determined and I think it was due to my mothers support. You can do the same for your daughter :)
So, after I worked hard, kept moving up, got a better horse... and a few years later I won the State Champion titles at the WI Horse Expo every year I went (and on 3 different horses I trained myself!). The funny part is... I was the ONLY person in the history of our county to ever win. So, it just proved all of those mean kids and parents wrong. And that was a life lesson that has propelled me for a long time.
Furthermore... I am a 7 time world champion in APHA, NSBA, and PtHA..! Its ok to be intimidated and start from humble beginnings. Don't let others push you or your daughter around. Get a good mentor/trainer and word hard.
I hope that Kelly, the vet clinic or perhaps the county can put a lien on the horses for services rendered or board bill owed. I think that would trump the slaughter buyers bill of sale, as it would be doen before they were sold.
ReplyDeleteOh and just as an FYI, Bob (the "kill" buyer) IS NOT a kill buyer.... He doesn't have a kill buyer license and was only going to "pick" up the horses and was going to "deliver" them right back to JL....
ReplyDeleteFirst of all why would anyone need to call this juslian loser and tell her somethings wrong with her horses ot that her colt died? Why wasnt she check-in on them her own damn self? That tells me so much already. A good owner wouldn't not be able to know something is wrong with any of their livestock especially if they checked on them.
ReplyDeleteThe fact the person is posting as anonymous thats defending Julian the loser just gives away who it really is.
ReplyDeleteHow can I share this on Facebook? Julian is scamming people, but in other states
ReplyDeleteCopy the url in the address bar, and just post that to facebook.