Best Entertainment & Best People
Clearly the equine star of the Fair was Rhia the gorgeous trick horse. Rhia does some really amazing things, including grabbing drinks from a cooler, playing soccer, counting, bowing and... painting. Yes, she creates masterpieces that are at least as good as anything Jackson Polluck made. Rhia is owned and trained by the very talented, kind and knowledgeable Derrick Dupler. Rhia and Derrick deserve a whole post all to themselves, so we'll leave this story for now and talk about some other great people. Mary of Saint Francis Horse Rescue and Retirement was at the fair, along with her daughter and her friend. That's them in the pink next to Rhia! Mary and all the other horse rescue folks at the fair were the true heroes as far as I'm concerned. Despite saving hundreds of horses every year, they don't get paid, and they barely get any recognition in the horse world at large. Every horse breeder that puts more horses on the market should be avid supporters of these folks, who often wind up rescuing the discarded products of those same breeders. In fact, the Horse Council should be donating part of the Fair profits to these rescues! Instead, horse rescues are drastically underfunded. It's a screwed-up world, folks.
Runner-up for best entertainment was the Kettle Moraine Rough Riders Drill Team. Holy crap are they magnificent. Here's a video of their Saturday show.
Best Educational Seminar

I learned many useful and practical techniques to get a horse to bend and soften. I also learned the start of several at-liberty tricks. Dan James has a great Australian accent, a fantastic attitude and is very funny. He had five students in the arena with him, which was great from a learner's perspective; you got to see them screw up with their horses and solve their problems. I won't go into everything he taught, but if you get a chance to see him do a demo, GO. James ended his seminar with an amazing display of horsemanship and trick riding. Video here.
Runners-up for Best Educational Seminar included, as always, everything by Lodi Vet. The Western Dressage sessions were pretty decent as well. Oh, and I almost forgot!! Richard and Sarah Winters did an excellent program called "What's Wrong with This Picture?" That will be a whole 'nother blog post.
Biggest Rig
Yes, that's a semi! What do you think, 14 horse stalls + living quarters?
Best Decorations
There were a ton of great decorated stalls and booths this year. I especially liked the ones that honored specific soldiers, which fit in with the "heroes" theme while keeping things personal. There was only one booth that really went all-out though, and it was the only one that honored firemen. I'm talking about the mini firehorse brigade! Adorable. They even put "brick walls" up in the stalls.
Most Colorfully Dressed Fair Attendee
It's interesting to see how the "cowboy" look has evolved. Back in the day, the original cowboys liked lots of color, and accessorized with the brightest bandanas, tassles and shirts they could find. While most of today's horsemen tend to dress in more somber colors, this gentleman has obviously embraced the spirit of the past. So much so that the effect is a little harsh on the eyeballs!
Best Funny Sign
Tackiest Tack
Ugh, I'm pretty sure this leather was literally painted. The edges were blotchy. The mismatched plastic "gems" were just awful, especially in combination with neon green dots.

Best Rider
Well obviously there are fantastic riders at the Fair, far too many for me to choose one... except I will anyway, because this woman is so cool. Eileen Kirsch is a wildlife biologist who did triathlons until an ankle injury forced her to stop. So she bought an Arabian, Sabin's Scooter, and did major endurance rides instead, racking up thousands of miles in the process. At some point, she had to have hip surgery. Did that stop her? Hell no, she exhibited at MWHF this year and continues to ride. She's currently training a younger horse and hoping maybe to get to the Tevis some day. Did I mention she's in her 60s, and rides everywhere in a bitless halter/bridle? When I asked her what she did to stay in shape, she told me that she swims, and does yoga and pilates and a bunch of other stuff every day. "Don't feel bad though," she says, "I don't have kids." Uh, neither do I, Eileen. You're just super awesome.
Worst Rider (That I saw anyway). She was in the warm-up ring, simultaneously pulling on the reins while asking her horse to go faster, apparently in an effort to force his head down. Her giant spurs were always in her horse's side, and she was constantly yanking on his mouth. Yank, spur, yank, spur, yank, spur, yank... bitch. I'm surprised she only had a snaffle in his mouth... but maybe it was a twisted wire snaffle. Seems like it would fit her style. Chaps, tassles and fancy hats do not a cowgirl make.

Participation Award
This young lady was clearly scared/embarrassed out of her wits. Yet despite her frozen fearfulness, she was a great sport!
Most Rude

Most Helpful
Krissy Wejrowski and her adopted horse Haze |
The Paint horse you show in the Most Helpful is my gelding, Haze. I adopted him from the Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation in 2010! He did awesome that was his first "show" ever! Thank you for the wonderful picture!
ReplyDeleteLOL on the "most colorful "cowboy", I saw this person in the expo hall with the kids backpack, but you forgot to picture the wierdest part of his out fit, the white "aladdin" cowboy boots with the longest, curliest toe you have ever seen. My Boyfriend and I still laugh about that to this day