Great news!! Three of the five horses seized from Thiry in September have been rehabilitated by the Dane County Humane Society and are available for adoption! Lady, Ruby and Rebecca have gained a tremendous amount of weight and are much healthier and happier now. I very much hope that any doubters out there will now recognize that these horses were NOT thin "just because they're old/sick" (lame and utterly wrong excuses) but because of the awful neglect they experienced in Barb Thiry's hands. Lady in particular, a mare that was "too old" to gain weight, is doing so much better now.
The two stallions remain in foster care and may still be returned to Thiry after her trial is over, if she continues to pay the court for the cost of their upkeep. Thiry herself continues to deny that she ever did anything wrong. In an interview with the Clintonville Chronicle, she claimed, "I've been victimized by these bullies and then by the county who came and took my property and my animals." She has threatened to sue Waupaca County, has demanded the return of all of her horses by Christmas, and believes they are worth thousands of dollars each, despite their health issues and the advanced age of 3 of them. Read more about Barb Thiry's delusions here (scroll down a bit).
Update 11/13/13: Barb Thiry has plead "not guilty." She has been forced to give up three mares into the county's custody, and has been ordered to pay for the care of the two stallions while her trial continues. Click here to read more.
Update 10/13/13: See pictures of Barb Thiry's property in 2009 here. Warning: these disturbing images show unburied horse skeletons and other dead animals.
Update 10/10/13: Barb Thiry Charged with 15 Counts of Animal Mistreatment, Failure to Provide Food & Shelter
Update 9/24/13: "Never Forget"
9/18/13: "What's That Smell?"
GO SIGN THIS PETITION: Waupaca Co. Sheriff's Dept, Don't Let These 5 Horses Die!
Update 3.8: here.

811 Harding St Waupaca, WI 54981
(715) 258-6446
Call to complain about Jeanette Newlin.
Newlin is the Large Animal Control Officer on this case, and claims "her hands are tied." As I understand it, ACOs have the power to determine what is acceptable care based on Wisconsin state statutes, and they do not have to have a vet's statement to back them up.
Waupaca Sheriff's office
I can't believe I have to say this, but DO NOT do anything illegal, including harassing people involved in this case, taking these horses or trespassing on the property. If you're caught, the horses are screwed; then Waupaca officials would have an excuse not to listen to us. Remember, we're concerned citizens and animal lovers, and we need to present ourselves as such, not the stereotypical "animal nuts" some would accuse us of being.
DO NOT attempt to contact Barb Thiry. Those who have had personal contact with her believe she is mentally unstable and extremely unlikely to respond to anyone in a positive way. They say she is threatening, combative and very, very nasty. In the past, neighbors have tried to offer this woman hay, grain, help, and homes for her horses and were turned away, so it is not likely you will be able to accomplish anything by speaking to her. Finally, contacting Thiry may lead to accusations of harassment. We cannot give Waupaca officials an excuse not to listen to us.
Several folks have brought up the fact that this case resembles that of abuser Mary Loeffelholz. You can read more about that here, and a follow-up here. This is a good case to reference when speaking with officials; remind them of the consequences of allowing neglect to continue.
Original Story

Does this mare look healthy to you?
Of course fucking not.
And yet two different vets have said the horse is fine, the owner can't do anything differently. According to Waupaca County Sheriff's Department, at least one vet said that there horses were being given " the standard level of care."
Which is BULLSHIT. If the mare is indeed so sick she can't possibly put on any weight (which I doubt) then she should be euthanized!! She should not be allowed to suffer like this. Being this thin puts incredible stress on the internal organs, causes terrible pain, and means that this mare is left shivering during the increasingly colder nights.

But it's not sickness alone that's causing this level of emaciation. No, it's the owner, Barb Thiry, who is barely feeding her. The hay you see in the picture was left by good samaritan Vickey H. If it were not for her, none of the five horses on this property would have had any food except a very little poor hay and a few crab apples in the last several months. This isn't hyperbole, it's truth; Vickey has been keeping a very concerned eye on these horses and has been telling anyone who will listen exactly how little food these horses get. Although this mare is the thinnest, all the horses are undernourished.
Vickey has tried nicely talking to Barb many times, offering her dozens of bales of hay, grain, help and advice. Each time, Barb's responses have been threatening, insulting and incredibly vulgar. The bottom line is, Barb doesn't want help, and seems to be hatefully paranoid towards anyone who offers it.

Waupaca county officials have REFUSED to do anything about this situation. Thanks to the efforts of Vickey H and Saint Francis Horse Rescue, a parade of officials have been out to see these horses... and every single one of them either claims that there's nothing wrong, or they are unable to do anything.
Contact the following officials and tell them that THIS IS NOT OK. If you're not sure what to say, scroll down for a script you can use to base your calls, emails and letters on. Calling is best, because this mare is clearly not going to last long...

35 S. Clinton
Clintonville, WI 54929
(715) 823-3117
Waupaca County Sheriffs Department
1402 Royalton St Waupaca, WI 54981
Also, why not post to their Facebook page?
Clintonville Mayor

50 10th Street Clintonville, WI 54929
Waupaca District Attorney John P. Snider
(715) 258-6444
The only one who can really make the decision to prosecute Thiry.
The Waupaca County Corporation Counsel
811 Harding St Waupaca, WI 54981
(715) 258-6446
Call to complain about Jeanette Newlin, Large Animal Control Officer.
Script for calls, letters and emails:
"Dear _______, My name is ________ . I am writing/calling about an animal neglect situation. Five horses on Highway 45, in Clintonville, WI, are being neglected. One of them is almost skeletal due to malnourishment. The others are also underfed, with protruding ribs. At least two of them are sick. All of them need hoof care. I know that a some officials have already been involved in this situation. However, these officials have claimed that nothing is wrong, or they can't do anything, and no real action has been taken. I am asking that you please do something to stop this terrible neglect.
Thank you.
Just a reminder, folks: keep things civil. This situation pisses me off and I do swear in my own blog, but when communicating with officials, you'll make more progress by being firm but polite.
Feel free to use any of the pictures in this blog and email them to officials or the media. Right click on the picture, then click on "save as." Save the picture and then attach it to an email you're sending by clicking on the attachment button. It usually looks like a paperclip.

THANK YOU for exposing this horrible neglect! There is a storm coming and I will not rest until these horses are SAFE.
ReplyDeleteI will be calling everyone on this list tomm. as it is to late tonight.. This is horrible and she should be starved herself. Fell so sad for these horses.
ReplyDeletealso known by Barb Caldwell.
ReplyDeleteuses an email under the name Sara Jacobson (I posted the email below)
DeleteI have taken care of a few of her goats in the past and never got anything but grief from her. I wonder where the goats are and what condition they are in.
ReplyDeleteWhen she was boarded by me with these 5 horses and her goats... when she wouldn't pay I gave the goats away to a 4-H family. :) so they are SAFE! Angie are you in Clintonville too? I wonder if this is the place I came to get the couple of mares and goats when she moved up by me? If so I'd like to get a statement from you too! Trying to compile as must info against her as possible! my email is please...
ReplyDeleteYou have got to be kidding. What's wrong with people? These horses need immediate help!!!!
ReplyDeletePeople may not like what i have to write, i'm not saying i know this woman or her problem. but i have a horse that looks like the real skinny one. i think when people drive buy and see him they go Oh that horse is starving. But that is not the case my horse has all the hay he want is on a senior diet alfalfa cubes rice corn oats and all. but still looks like that also his teeth floated and vet checked. He is just old! very old. just like old people they get skinny truth is befor they pass away. Do i want to put him down NO! he has the best hoofs around he has no limps or stiff joints because of his age. when it is time for me to put him down i will. but he is not ready to leave this world yet, so people just because you see a skinny horse out in the field don't mean he is being starved and just because a horse turns 20 don't mean he has to be put down. its because people don't want to put the time into careing for a seinor horse. Alot of people dump there older horses because they dont look good in there pasture. that is not a horse person you are no better then the one who take them to a auction knowing where they will end up. I am so sick of the people who think putting a horse down then other means. they are not horse people and never will. i can see if the horse has to be because of cancer or other bad thing but just because they don't want to give or don't want it anymore are shit people. and it goes along with the dogs and cat problem. And as for the people who say they are going to help thats a laugh, there are good people out there that do but most are bull shit people. If anybody who lives around that old ladys place who has the horses you say are not keeping up with the feed of the horses. Why don't you drop off a few round in the field help her out. my goodness she is 71. there is alot of hay this year the people who got a bumper crop give some to her enough for winter. all you people get together help her out even if she don't want the help dump it in the pasture at night or something, is it really that hard! You people bitch and complain and try to get a 71 year old lady in trouble by calling the cops and causeing more stress on this woman HELP HER! God will think better of you. Last year i bought hay for my horses i'm not rich and far from it. but i fed someone elses horses threw the drought never got a thank you, then i feed 3 more other horses threw the winter and spring as it was a late spring never got a thank you. but you know i feel better knowing i helped those horses threw the hard times as for the people with the horses. they are people who only think of themselfs. and would not even think of saying a good thing about me. but you know i helped the horses who are much better friends then they ever could be. The End.
ReplyDeletePeople have tried to help this lady and all they get in return are threats. Maybe you miss read something here but comparing your story to this story have nothing much in common. You claim to feed your horses, these horses are NOT being fed by anyone other than those who are trying to save these horses. This lady also doesn't live on the property. Plain and simple, if you can't afford to care for an animal properly you shouldn't have them. If you think other people should pay to take care of this ladys horses, YOUR NUTS! This lady is a known hoarder so know your facts before blaming people who are trying to help. The people invloved have gone above and beyond to try and help before contacting the authorities!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteBullshit. If you own a horse that is as emaciated as the one pictured here, then you are not providing basic care. Old horses may need specialized diets -- think crazy things like beet pulp, rice bran, MORE senior feed. That requires more effort on the part of the owner. I also have an aged gelding - - nearly 30. I'd be busting my ass if he starting getting half as thin as these horses, not yakking about how it's simply inevitable.
DeleteIf this woman is in low income housing....which means it is supported by you and I as taxpayers....she should not be allowed to have horses in the first place! Just like all those welfare people smoking up the cigs when they cannot pay for food or shelter! hmmmm
ReplyDeleteBarb has done this in the past in the Kewaunee area. Same issue officials were called and did nothing! Can a more responsible vet be brought in?
ReplyDeletethis is horrible! If you cant take care of them - give them up! So sad-poor animals!
ReplyDeleteThat mare is skinny BECAUSE SHE IS SICK AND IS BEING STARVED. Myself and others have watched this situation from Day 1. There is no excuse for that mare's condition! NONE. She is NOT that old (around 15). She has bad teeth (drooling saliva out of her mouth), is quidding her hay, and is not receiving enough food. She's the least dominant horse, and constantly stands off away from the others. This woman steals hay from a local barn, she rakes up crab apples out of people's lawns, and she cuts grass from the ditch banks with a knife to "feed the horses." And she is ONLY doing this because she received a Police Abatement order that she MUST feed them. During the winter, these horses went DAYS without one bite of food. There is NO EXCUSE for that skinny mare. I understand sometimes horses look like this even though the owner is doing everything. That is NOT the case here. The woman owns a dog and goes door to door in her apartment building begging for money and dog food so her dog can eat. She cannot and does not feed these horses properly!! This skinny mare is being bred by a stallion and may be carrying a foal. She lives with a stallion and the stallion's mother also lives with him. The stallion's mother is undoubtedly bred back to her own son. THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY SITUATION FOR THESE ANIMALS.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to get involved because I am on the other side of the country, and if officials get wind of "outsiders" messing in their business from some kooks on the internet, they will resist helping the horses even harder. So good luck with that.
ReplyDeleteAs for anonymous, if you have a horse in the same condition as this mare, feeding him all he can eat and he still looks this bad, I don't care what your vet says, there is something wrong with your horse, my dear. My horse is 30. I still trail ride a lot and he looks great. If my horse started loosing weight to this extent and my vet could not find out why, I would know enough to know that vets do not know everything. If a second opinion still could not find out why my old horse was loosing so much weight, I would send him back to god.
Kooks on the internet? Are you kidding me? And takes outsiders for the locals to really get moving on this.
DeleteI've helped a lot of animals that were not in my area by calling and sending letters and it helps!! *GASP* Oh no!!! *rolls eyes*. If you're afraid to get involved then say it!! Go hide your head in the sand and let the people who have balls help these horses. I know the area that these horses are in and the town has a "good ole boys" club the likes you've never seen before. I plan on reporting the vets named to the AVMA. I will also be making phone calls and sending letters. Oh and guess what...I LIVE IN MICHIGAN!!!
I posted before the update, and if 2 vets said the horse was OK, a "kook" from far away is likely to make local yokels get their backs up. In my county, if I call on an emaciated horse, animal control is there that day. I'd make sure of the situation with the vets before I started calling any organizations. And for your information, most public employees are mainly interested in the segment of the population that can actually vote in their districts.
DeleteWhen your grandma turns 70 and she was at one time a big woman and in a few years weighs 80 pounds, ya want to put her down? i see alot of old people lose weight fast. like i said when the time comes i will put him down. and yeah, she may be starving her horses, but you got to look at the type of person she is like 70 years old. people! if she don't want help fine take the horses, but alot of horse people always think they know better then the other. and are so agressive in how they handal the matter, this is a old woman and seems to be a very crabby woman maybe a person who always never asked for help from anyone. take a look at my mother she would not ask anybody for help. she is 80. and as for the know it all people who say Oh, i have a horse that is 20 or 30 and it don't look like that, WoW are you not special. Some people die fat some die skinny ask the morgue for one. Someone said the hay is falling out of its mouth. well it seems the horse can't eat grass hay to me and may never. now the expence goes up on this animal. I'm just saying yes think of the horses, but also think of the old lady, it seems like a hangmans crew is ready to hang her.
DeleteJust to sum it up like this. No one is arguing that this woman needs help. Serious help with her mental state as she is violent, paranoid and probably senile. The goal IS to get the horses. You don't know the facts and are sympathetic toward this woman. You would help her and all that. Do you know what an enabler is? These horses need help and I have seen it first hand. They are suffering at the hands of this woman. Yes, she needs to be put into a mental health care facility and the horses need to be seized. No one cares about your grandma's weight or your skinny horse. Be helpful or just shut up please.
DeleteI know this WOMAN! I booted her and most of these horses from my property in 2011. I would LOVE to help! I have tons of info! Please tell me what I can do! She needs these horses removed from her and she needs charges brought against her. I was able to save one horse in 2011. I have pics of these guys when they were FAT! OMG! Age is NO EXCUSE!
ReplyDeleteHere is the last email I had for Barb Thiry, she hides and tries to use the name Sara Jacobson...
If this woman is living in low income housing, then odds are she is not reporting ownership of livestock. Livestock is considered an asset and has to be reported.
ReplyDeleteNo they don't. I live in Dane County. Last year in May, we had a woman starving 20+ horses. You can google "Mary Loeffelholz" and read about that debacle. Only after the press became involved and officials started to look stupid in a national eye did anything start to happen.
DeleteUPDATE! I contacted the Waupaca County Sheriff's Department. Their response was
ReplyDelete"An officer was out there on Sept 1. Investigation is still under way. The horses were given fresh water. There is a meeting today reference these horses."
I'd say call in! Let's use the opportunity!
Anybody know if these horses are visible from the road?
ReplyDeletewhy doesn't someone just take them and stop crabbing on about this. I mean really if the place she is boarding them is not feeding them perhaps the fence broke one night and they disappeared. If you feel so righteous get off your duff!!! I agree what is she going to do roll the hay out of the fence I mean really go get them be done with it.
ReplyDeleteI really think it is sick how people are so judgemental. Did you know hoarding is a sickness as well!!!! SHE is OLD and SHE is ILL so I think the best way to help her is to publicly slam her. Bravo love society!
Again don't like it go get them, if not leave it alone.
Yes poor horses and yes poor lady ... I feel most sorry for the crusader who rather cuss and stir the pot then get her hands dirty.
So you are saying people should illegally go over and steal the horses then? Are you insane? Wait,well yeah your post does speak for itself. These animals are starving and the woman doesn't have the means to care for them so she needs to surrender them but everyone knows that she won't. She is renting the land they are on. They are not being boarded and there is no one there to feed them. Duh.
DeleteYeah try that and you will be charge with a felony theft. In Dane County, a couple actually tried to do that with some starving horses and they were caught. Made to bring the horses back and told that their charges would be dropped only if they wrote a letter of apology to the abuser for stealing the starving horses. See Mary Loeffelholz articles in May 2012 - google it.
DeleteI'd say the calls are working, too, and you might want to just focus on the sheriff's dept. (Sheriff Hardel) reminding him that there was this case in Pleasant Prairie where the authorities refused to do anything and they are still having to explain how 60 plus horses dropped dead on that farm and no one calling knew what they were talking about? Just keep calling please. We are going to get these horses to safety step by step and no one is going to give up on them either. They are not visible from the road and there is a no trespassing sign up now we have been told but being that Barb does not own the land hard to say if it holds any water. Bless you all for caring!!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have an address for where they are? I'd like to contact the owner. My email is
is this near norhtwinds banquet hall??
ReplyDeleteYou might want to consider going to the press also. Even just the local newpaper or a local radio or tv station. Public embarrassment was the only thing that made Dane County get off their butts and take action on an abuse situation in May 2012.
ReplyDeleteI JUST got off the phone with Waupaca Co... first DON'T bother talking to the dispatch, "julie" she's as pleasant as a peachy peach! lol Second ask to talk to the detective in charge of this or the humane officer. SKIP THE DISPATCH!
ReplyDeleteThis is what the humane officer told me this morning:
Our hands are tied at the moment... the two vets that were out there said that adequate care is being provided. He knows as well as we do that it isn't BUT if the vets continue to say they are being cared for then the sheriff's hands are tied. The judge will listen to the vets even though they are COW vets... but the sheriff's hands are tied as they have to follow by the book...
so keep after it!!
We need a QUALIFIED EQUINE VET to step up, view the horses and living arrangements and be able to make an appropriate report! This woman needs to be STOPPED!
How interesting. I was told on Tuesday by Officer Kalsky (not sure of that spelling) that they were having an equine vet go out on Tuesday of next week to examine the horses. Guess that was a lie then. I think they are stalling until the horses die. I really believe that the one mare will. We had an officer out there with us who took pictures and that was this past Sunday and agreed something needed to be done. I even have a picture of him taking pictures of the horses. Keep writing and calling. I am forwarding everything I have on to the media today. I guess Waupaca County wants to make the news then for not doing their jobs.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the media should get involved! what tv station is in that area..and is there an address where horses are kept. I will call them.....shelly
ReplyDeletePlease let the local newspaper know of this. Tv would be better! What is wrong with people!!! Those vets need to be called to the carpet!!!! They should'nt be (so called vets)
ReplyDeleteWho do I get ahold of with the BINDER full of info I have on Barb Thiry and the eviction I had to do on her or the hundreds of emails? Someone please direct me my next step... :)
ReplyDeleteWho do I get ahold of with the BINDER full of info I have on Barb Thiry and the eviction I had to do on her or the hundreds of emails? Someone please direct me my next step... :)
ReplyDeleteTracy, I would just keep it until it is needed. It does appear that "things" are underway today.
ReplyDeleteThis woman, Barbara Thiry, tried to adopt a rescue dog from me. I still have her nutty emails....she is not playing with a full deck.
ReplyDeleteI would very much like to read those emails! Please send them to
DeleteHello, this is Dr. Rob Blohowiak, of Great Lakes Equine Wellness Center. My clinic has not been to this property and has not examined these horses. Please understand that the laws and jurisdictions governing these situations are very complicated. We cannot touch these animals without proper consent and seizure of the animals can only be done via the county humane officers in cooperation with the authorities. As doctors and for that matter, police officers , we dedicate our lives to service and protection. However, we must use good judgement and professional conduct when dealing with these matters. Please do not inflame a situation that is already out of control. Rather, pray for a quick resolution and be ready to offer your financial and personal assistance when and if it is decided that these animals are to be rehomed and supported. Thank you
ReplyDeleteDr. Blohowiak, I appreciate your commenting here. We all understand you and your colleagues at Great Lakes did not see these horses. However, the Waupaca County Sheriff Dept said that one of your vets contact a vet that HAD seen these horses. The Sheriff's Dept said you told them that you confirmed through that phone call that these horses were OK. Is this true?
DeleteNotice how you didn't get a response? I wouldn't trust or use Great Lakes since Dr. Blob took over........just sayin. Hope that crazy bitch gets what she deserves
DeleteWhat mary, you must have a hardon for this lady!! I know you make money on all your horses and you get all the feed for free YOU ARE THE SCAMER!!!! Get a real job ..... Get a life...
ReplyDeleteSaint Francis/Mary Hetzel makes NO money off of rescue horses. I adopted a healthy, friendly, gorgeous riding mule from them myself this year for $0. Yes, that's zero dollars.
DeleteThey have to buy feed just like everyone else. This year their hay bill exceeded $10,000. If you know of any farmer willing to give feed away for free, DO tell us all who it is, rescues would like to know!
If you have any knowledge about horses AT ALL, you know that it costs far more to properly care for an average horse than you can sell it for.
In this case in particular, vet care costs will be FAR larger than any adoption fee Saint Francis may charge. For example, JUST basic vaccinations and tests (strangles, tetanus, flu, rabies, West Nile, Coggins test, etc) will be at least $100 per horse. Multiply that by five, then add in costs for parasite control, physical evaluations, gelding surgery for both stallions, hoof care, dental care, extra feed and supplements, plus medications, then training, ultrasounds and vitamins for the pregnant mares, and you are looking at thousands of dollars to rehab these horses.
I know Brad personally (Waupaca Cty Sheriff) he lives in Scandinavia off HWY G...try contacting him personally maybe? He is a very caring individual, I can't imagine him doing nothing on this..